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From Crafter to Candlemaker: The Journey Part 1

I cannot remember a time that I didn't like arts and crafts activities with the exception of crayons. As a kid, I never really got into coloring books. It was hard for me to get the hang of coloring within the lines. Maybe it has to do with my way of thinking outside the box! No- I do not mess with the adult coloring books! Still no time for coloring in the lines! lol

I can remember around the age of 11 sitting on my girlfriends front steps we were bored! We had nothing to do that summer. Her neighbor Ms. Cherry came out to check on us. As she sits on her patio, she was crocheting. We came over to see what she was doing and we just watched her, I think we asked her questions about it. After a short time, she asked if we wanted to learn? We all said “yes”!

She went in and got needles and more yarn. It was me, Donyelle and my sister Dawn. We learned the basic stitches and then we made potholders! What a great summer that was. I often think about Ms. Cherry and how she taught us how to crochet. I'm not sure I knew it would lead to any other things but I guess it opened the crafter world in me.

After that summer of learning to crochet I turned my attention to cross stitch latch hook an any craft in a store that I could get my hands on I love crocheting the best though shade and taught myself new stitches over the years I remember there was this project that I worked on using felt, glue and glitter. I remember it was a picture of a deer that I did and I gave it to my dad. It had different color sand glued on this picture my dad loved it he displayed it in his buffet cabinet for everyone to see. Ironically when his house was broken into some years later someone took stole that picture.

I crafted gifts for others, adding embellishments to cards and envelopes. If I could create it or add to it- then I did. My sister remembers some of the items I made for her. As I got older, I learned how to decorate and do centerpieces, gift baskets, plan events and so much more. From these creations: Praise Worthy Creations and Events was born later down the road.

I coordinated church conferences and our church’s first college fair. On day one of the other youth leaders named Tashima, we decided that we worked really well together and loved putting events together so we decided to being coordinating weddings and doing fruit trays! I eventually turned to sales. I had sold Mary Kay and Avon but I would eventually wanted my own products. The crafter in me started to make soaps, lotions and bath gels for my gift baskets. After studying and researching which kinds of soaps lotions and bath gels I wanted to add to my gift baskets. Here is where it gets good!

Til next time!

The Candle Queen

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